
Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic – 17 Health Secret That No One Tell You

Friends, here we are going to tell you Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic 17 Health Tips, if you use it then you can stay healthy and strong for a long time in your life, so let’s know what those tips are –

1. Exercise

2. Hydration

3. Meditation

4. Drink milk

5. Do not skip breakfast

6. Keep the digestive system healthy

7. Stay away from spices

8. Get up before sunrise

9. Fix your sleeping time

10. Stay away from caffeine

11. Protect from too much sunlight

12. Take deep breaths

13. Eat fresh food

14. Follow the daily routine

15. Take good and deep sleep

16. Clean the tongue

17. Massage daily

Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic – 17 Health Tips

1. Exercise –

Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic

Exercise is an important part of our life but it is not given much importance nowadays. You must have noticed that our ancestors used to do more physical labour than us so they did not need to exercise and they also lived longer but today’s lifestyle has become such that we do not need to do much physical activities so exercise has become very important for our body to function properly.

It improves the overall health of your body as well as develops your physical strength. Apart from this, you can keep your weight under control. The health of your heart and muscles improves and instead of being lazy, you become a healthy and agile person.

2. Hydration –

Most of us do not know the importance of hydration but after air, humans need water the most. Without water, humans can survive for only two to three days. That is why you should keep your body adequately hydrated.

Whenever needed, drink water according to your thirst because proper hydration makes all parts of your body work well and it also makes your face glow. By drinking enough water, all types of waste material formed in our body are removed due to which we do not have to face any kind of health related problem.

3. Meditation –

Just as exercise is needed to keep our body healthy, similarly if you want to keep your mind calm and healthy, then you must do meditation because most of the youth of today are affected by depression and mental imbalance and this depression affects our mental health,

that is why being mentally healthy is also an important part of our healthy life and if you do meditation, then you can better control your mental health, which gives you a feeling of peace, so you must do meditation every morning, with this you can fight depression.

4. Drinking milk – ( Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic)

Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic

All of us know how important it is for us to drink milk, if you do not eat food for one time and can drink only one glass of milk. Milk is considered a complete diet in which there are all types of vitamins, minerals and minerals which give full nutrition to our body, if you want to stay healthy in your life, then you should consume a glass of milk daily, the calcium present in it also works to strengthen your bones, due to which you remain young for a long time.

5. Do not skip breakfast –

Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic

Ayurveda says that our digestive system is most active in the morning and if you are one of those people who skip their breakfast early in the morning, then be careful because doing so can play with your health.

Morning meal is most important for us, that is why never ignore breakfast even by mistake. Along with this, if possible, try to eat healthy food in the morning because whatever you eat in the morning is felt better by your body.

6. Keeping the digestive system healthy –

According to Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic, we make some mistakes while eating food, due to which our digestive system gets spoiled, that is why you have to correct those mistakes so that your digestive system can be better.

Like if you eat raw and cooked food items together, then it complicates your digestion process. Apart from this, if you do not include fiber rich food in your diet, then you may have difficulty in defecation, so include fiber rich foods in your diet. Apart from this, there are some other rules which help us in improving our digestive system like –

1. Do not drink water immediately before and after eating food

2. Do not take bath immediately after eating food

3. Stay away from cold water from the fridge

4. Drink a glass of lukewarm water early in the morning

5. Do not eat grains after eating fruits etc.

7. Stay away from spices –

Although spices are used to make our food tasty, but excessive spices can be very harmful for our health and digestion, it has a bad effect on your health. If you eat too much chilli, then you will see that your digestion gets disturbed and you start having gas problems, so always stay away from food with too much chilli and spices, eat satvik and healthy food, try to eat as many green vegetables and fruits as possible, it cleans your digestive system well.

8. Getting up before sunrise –

Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic says that a person who wakes up just before sunrise is more successful in life. You must know many people who wake up early in the morning and are quite successful. This is because they finish their tasks early in the morning and move forward in their life.

Apart from this, Ayurveda also says that the time before sunrise in the morning is the time of Brahma Muhurta. The person who wakes up at this time has a more peaceful mind and experiences the happiest moment of his life. So, if you have not yet seen the beautiful moment of the morning, then you must wake up in the morning once and feel yourself. It will be very peaceful for you.

9. Fixing your sleeping time –

If you want to wake up early in the morning, then you must fix a time to sleep at night because sleeping at a certain time is an important part of your daily routine. If you are busy with your work or your mobile phone till late night, then you can never wake up early in the morning.

This can also spoil your sleep and adequate sleep is very important for our body. That is why you should fix a fixed time for yourself 1 hour after having dinner and sleep at this time every night. Try doing this for a week and you will feel a lot of change in yourself.

10. Staying away from caffeine –

Health Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic

Wellhealthorganic Ayurveda says that you should pay attention to your caffeine intake. If you drink tea, coffee etc. early in the morning, then let us tell you that caffeine is found in all these and it causes bile disorder and acidity in our body, so avoiding all these is very important for our health.

Instead of this, you can use herbal vaccine. Also, if you drink very cold and ice-filled foods, then this can also be harmful for your digestion and body, so keep drinking hot water at short intervals.

11. Protecting from strong sunlight –

It is said that our body gets vitamin D from sunlight, so should we stay in the sun all the time? The answer is absolutely not, to get vitamin D you should stay in the sun only in the morning and evening, but you should never stay in the sun during the afternoon i.e. from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm because at this time the rays of the sun are very strong and the harmful UV RAYS coming from the sun can directly affect our body. Along with this, the sun damages our skin, so to protect yourself from the sun, you must use sunscreen.

12. Deep breathing –

By taking deep breaths, oxygen reaches the small parts of our body properly and this improves the flow of nutrients to various parts of our body, due to which you can feel relief in your body immediately.

If you practice deep breathing at any time of the day, it calms your nervous system and it relaxes both your body and mind. It is said in Ayurveda that the breath we take contains vital energy and when we take small breaths, this energy gets reduced, that is why we should try to take long and deep breaths.

13. Eat freshly cooked food –

If you are one of those people who eat bread, butter, biscuits and other types of packaged and processed food in the morning, then let us tell you that you should avoid these foods. ( Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic)

Instead, you should eat homemade gum and fresh food, which increases the metabolism in your stomach and improves the digestive system. Eating hot food has the advantage that it helps our digestion, which does not require much energy to digest the food.

14. Following the daily routine –

The importance of daily routine is very high in our life. If you follow a healthy daily routine, then it keeps a good control on all our tasks and it helps in completing them on time.

By following the routine, you can sleep at the right time, eat at the right time and also take time for other tasks, but if you do not follow a routine, then you cannot do all your work properly, you may always experience a lack of time, so definitely include routine in your life.

15. Getting good and deep sleep –

Sleep is a very important part of our healthy life because if you get tired after working all day, then sleeping at night improves your mental and physical health.

When we are asleep, our body repairs various types of organs and makes us healthy, so staying awake for a long time affects your health, so sleep at the right time at night and definitely get 8 hours of deep sleep.

16. Cleaning the tongue –

Most of us brush our teeth properly but do not consider cleaning our tongue as important. So let us tell you that cleaning the tongue is as important as cleaning your teeth.

Actually, many types of toxic elements get deposited on our tongue and if you do not clean it early in the morning, then you may face the problem of bad breath and many other health issues. That is why cleaning the tongue is an important part of our hygiene.

17. Massaging daily –

If you massage your body daily, then it is a process of rubbing and kneading the soft tissues of your body, which treats various types of stress and pain in our body. It is usually done with hands, elbows, fingers etc. By massaging, blood circulation is good in all the external damaged parts of our body and it remains healthy. If you massage your hair, then your hair remains healthy. ( Wellhealthorganic Ayurvedic)

Kundan Verma 788

I am your healthy life adviser, i will suggest you to how to be healthy for life log by doing chages in your life style, because many of people have bad habbits which are not good for his health. so i will correct them and clear your all doubts.

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