
Wellhealth Ayurvedic Health Tips – 50 Tips to Stay Healthy

Below we are going to tell you 50 Wellhealth Ayurvedic Health Tips , these tips are very important for improving our health, if you follow these tips then we can say with certainty that you will not fall ill easily, and all the diseases will disappear from the body.

1. A glass of water:- You should drink a glass of lukewarm water first thing every morning. It cleans you from inside.

2. Yoga and Pranayama every morning:- After drinking water, you should do Pranayama and many yoga. This will strengthen your body.

3. Use fresh vegetables and fruits:- We know that what we eat is absorbed in the body, so consume green vegetables and fruits regularly. This will give you proper nutrients.

4. Dip your feet in lukewarm water before sleeping:- It is said in Ayurvedic tips that before sleeping, you must dip your feet in lukewarm water.

5. Wash hands before eating: Washing hands before eating is considered most important in Ayurveda because by doing this we can prevent many diseases.

6. Eat light food at night: If you want to stay away from stomach related problems, then always eat light food at night.

7. Sleep for 8 hours a day: Although nowadays people say that we should sleep as little as possible, but to keep the body healthy in the morning, it is very important for us to take 8 hours of deep sleep.

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8. Avoid fried and spicy food: If you consume fried and spicy food, then it invites many diseases.

9. Consume green vegetables regularly: Green vegetables are a special source of nutrients for us, that is why we must consume green vegetables regularly.

10. Take a short walk after eating: By taking a short walk after eating, the food gets mixed well in our body and it is easy to digest.

11. Fast one day a week:- To stay healthy, it is necessary to fast one day a week because on this day our whole body detoxes.

12. Avoid smoking and alcohol:- Smoking and alcohol invite unnecessary diseases in our body, so keep away from it.

13. Consume basil leaves daily:- Consuming basil leaves daily is beneficial for our body.

14. Do not drink water in between meals:- Water should not be drunk in between meals, it has a bad effect on our digestion.

15. Sit in the sun for half an hour:- Sitting in the sun for half an hour is very important for our body because it gives us vitamin D, so you can do this in the morning and evening.

16. Eat only fresh homemade food:- Homemade fresh food is considered the healthiest for us, that is why it should be consumed.

17. Eat food by chewing it slowly:- By chewing food, it gets digested quickly in our body and there is no digestive problem.

18. Never skip breakfast:- Often people skip breakfast but you should never do this, morning meal is most important for us.

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19. Drink warm milk at night before sleeping:- Drinking a glass of warm milk before sleeping at night keeps your body healthy for a long time.

20. Eat three times a day:- You should eat three times a day, by doing this you can gradually fulfill all your nutritional requirements.

21. Eat a little fennel after meals:- If you have trouble digesting food after eating, then you can use fennel.

22. Drink green tea daily:- If you are fond of tea, then drink green tea daily, you will get more benefits from this.

23. Read a book before sleeping:- Reading a book before sleeping is considered one of our good habits, by doing this we make ourselves better.

24. Take a deep breath once a day:- You should try to take a deep breath at least once a day, deep breathing keeps our respiratory system healthy.

25. Eat according to your body:- It is very important to eat according to the requirement of your body, if you want to gain weight then eat more food.

26. Wear clothes according to the season:- Clothes according to the season are healthy for us and you do not get any kind of infection or any problem.

27. Keep the house clean:- Keeping the house clean is considered one of the good habits of Ayurveda because by doing this we can keep ourselves away from diseases.

28. Keep positive thinking:- It is said in Ayurveda that whatever we think about ourselves happens in the future, that is why it is very important to have positive thinking.

29. Do meditation daily:- Meditation is an important part of a healthy life, so do meditation every morning, it calms your mind.

30. Do oil massage once a week:- Doing oil massage once a week makes your whole body and hair healthy.

31. Walk for a while every day:- As we all know that walking is a very simple way to improve our health, so do morning walk.

32. Rest immediately when you feel tired:- If you feel tired, then you need to rest immediately.

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33. Drink coconut water once a day:- Many types of nutrients are found in coconut water, so definitely drink coconut water once a day.

34. Consult a doctor immediately for any problem:- If you have any kind of problem, most people do not tell it to the doctor and if the problem increases, you may have problems, so it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

35. Get regular health checkups:- Another way to stay healthy is to get all the parts of your body checked regularly so that you know which part of your body needs attention.

36. Use aromatic oil once a day:– Using aromatic oil once a day is considered one of our healthy habits.

37. Drink lemon water every morning:- By drinking lemon water early in the morning, our body gets completely detoxed and it also gives energy to our body.

38. Chew a piece of ginger after meals:- Chewing a piece of ginger after meals helps us digest food.

39. Drink turmeric milk once a week:- If you drink turmeric and milk mixed together once a week, then it gives you relief from all kinds of diseases.

40. Eat a little fenugreek seeds daily:- Eat a little fenugreek seeds daily, it will help keep you healthy.

41. Apply sandalwood paste at night before sleeping:- Applying sandalwood paste gives coolness to our body, so you can apply sandalwood paste at night before sleeping.

42. Do not let the body be dehydrated:- When there is a lack of water in the body, our body starts looking lifeless, so drink plenty of water.

43. Apply oil to hair twice a week:- Applying oil to hair twice a week keeps our hair shiny and healthy.

44. Drink fresh fruit juice:- Drinking fresh fruit juice brings many types of nutrients to our body, you can also consume fruits if you want.

45. Do not use TV and mobile while eating:- Nowadays people have started using mobile and TV while eating food but you should not do this at all.

46. Make a habit of sleeping early at night:- Nowadays the social system has become such that people stay awake till late every day but this should not be done, make a habit of sleeping early at night.

47. Make a habit of waking up early in the morning:- Waking up early in the morning is also equally important for us and it starts only when you sleep early at night.

48. Keep nails and hair clean:- Regular cleaning of nails and hair comes under our personal hygiene, this protects us from diseases.

49. Use natural face pack on the face:- Natural face pack is used on the face, it can contain aloe vera etc.

50. Always keep the stomach clean:- By keeping the stomach always clean, we can remain completely healthy because most of the diseases start from the stomach.

so thats the all 50 wellhealth aurvedic health tips to stay healthy for a life long, and now its your resposibility to follow these tips and once you follow then you will notice positive changes in your life.

Kundan Verma 788

I am your healthy life adviser, i will suggest you to how to be healthy for life log by doing chages in your life style, because many of people have bad habbits which are not good for his health. so i will correct them and clear your all doubts.

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